
Media Report on Bian Stone Therapy

The year 2010 has been a very hot and active year for Bian stone therapy in China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan as well as overseas as Bianstone therapy really works.

Before you embrace Bianstone, make sure you get the Original and authentic Sibin Bianstone which has been tested to be safe for use. Due to its popularity, there are many fake products all over China. If you choose to purchase an unknown or cheap products, then it is up to you to decide for your health sake. The reason is some stones has high radioactive content which can destroy your body's white blood cells like the volcano stones commonly used in spa is a kind of high risk stone according to recent scientific report. Prolonged use can damage your body's immunity. Or it may contain harmful elements.

Listed here are some of the media report on Bianstone therapy in China:-
bianstone therapy on media

China CCTV,BTV, Hunan TV & Shandong TV Report on Bian stone:-

China CCTV Bianstone report
Dept store selling bianstone
Bianstone on TV
Bianstone on TV
Bianstone media report
shandong TV bianstone report
Sibin Bianstone - A Miracle stone that heals and sings. It is one of the hottest health product of the year in China. Buy Original Bianstone direct from Sunnforest Enterprises in Singapore. Do not compromise your health with unknown bianstones as there are many fake ones outside. All enquiries are welcome. We can custom made according to your specification suitable for health centre, spa, hospital and TCM as well as retail. Contact Us Now!

Bian stone Therapy has been officially testified & adopted by China Association of Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Copyright @1992-2025 Sunnforest Group of Companies