(12) The Pull / Retrieving Method
In the press method and prick method, when the pressure and prick reach the max, the Bianstone Therapist suddenly reversely evacuates the Bianstone from the human body. It called the Pull method. The key to operate the pull method is to press slowly and pull quickly or prick slowly and pull suddenly. In the stage of slow pressing or pricking, the pressure will increase and the blood will move to the peripheral and deep areas. The quick pulling reduces the pressure of the original compression zone and the peripheral areas, to which the blood then quickly move back, making Qi and the blood of the original compression zone, the peripheral area and the deep area in an extremely active state. This approach is conducive to smooth blood and expel body's heat-toxin.
The Cupping therapy is a medical approach developed on the basis of ancient pulling method The Bianstone cupping, also known as fire Bianstone, can be used in the pulling method of Bianstone therapeutics and have the same usage as the cupping therapy. Its advantage over ordinary cupping lies in that it is made of Sibin pumice and in the process of implementation, there is the function of sense method in addition to the pull method and the warm method, which can make up the shortcomings of the ordinary cupping therapy: excessive purging but insufficient tonifying. The Cupping therapy is very popular among the folk after the loss of ancient Bianstone therapeutics.