
Confucius love bianstone music
Bianstone Music healing method

Sunnforest Bian Stone Musical Instrument

One of the 16 methods of Bianstone Therapy is to play Bian stone music. The chime bells are specially designed for the kings in ancient China. The emperors made a bunch of musicians play for him every day. This also explain why some emperors live a much longer life if no war happens during his reign.

The different bells on the rack when hit give out very different sound, of different pitches and frequency and tones. Very chirpy and euphoric music .

The philosopher Confucius is also a huge fan of Bian instrument and music. He lives during the warring states in China, and he enjoys playing the Bian music to calm his mind despite the chaotic condition outside.

Playing Bian stone music can make you healthy and live longer. This has already been proven..Many historical relics places have excavated such kind of chime bells . Some are made of bronze , some of stone. But chime bells of Bian stone are very rare, its history dating back to over three thousand years ago.

In 1978, a set of bianstone music instruments was discovered and due to 2 broken pcs of Bianstone music, Professor Yang was determined to restore and find the stone material for restoring the complete sets which subsequently led to the re-discovery of the Sibin Bianstone.
traditional bianstone musical instrument set

Bianstone Musical Instruments Showcase

 Bianstone Muscial Instrument
bianstone musical chime
bianstone musical instrument 2
Fish Head Bianstone musical instrument
bianstone musical instrument with tiger figure
bianstone chime musical stone with hanger

If you are interested in purchasing any of the above-mentioned musical instrument, kindlly contact us for more detaiils.
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