
Bianstone Therapy Sixteen Method

There are sixteen methods and ways to administer Bianstone Therapy. Different Shapes is specially made to facilitate stimulation of our body's acupressure point. Learn more about how to use Bianstone Therapy here.
yingyang bianstone

Bianstone Therapy Sixteen Methods

 Bianstone sense method

 Bianstone sense method
(1) The Sense Method (感法)

The sense method is an approach of getting close to or contacting with Sibin pumice bian stone  or Sibin bian stone products for health care. There is no force or few forces generated between the rocks and human body in the sense method. Health care effects depend on the induction between Sibin pumice and the human body. The principle is that the Bianstone can generate
8-15μm far infrared (see the part of "Scientific Proof of Bianstone Therapy"), permeable to the deep tissue to improve the capillary microcirculation while producing resonance with organism, promoting cell repair and recovery to achieve the therapeutic effect. The Sense method is the most basic method among the 16 methods of Bianstone therapeutics. It is usually applied with other methods but it can be also used alone.

Sibin pumice and crude stone of any Bianstone tool can be used to perform the sense method. However, in general, massive Bianstone tools such as Bianstone block, Bianstone anvil and SiBin-Huwen Chime Stone have better effects. Although some Sibin pumice ornaments are not big, the effects can be obvious after a long-time of wearing. The Sense method includes the approach sense and the contact sense, and the contact sense can be further divided into the direct contact and the indirect contact. The direct contact refers to contact with the human body directly with Bianstone tools while in the indirect contact, there are clothing and textiles between the Bianstone tools and the human body .In general, the direct contact has the best induction effect; the indirect contact, the second; the approach method, the third. Therefore, the later requires the use of larger Bianstone tools.

Bianstone press method
(2) The Press Method (压法)

To put the Bianstone tool on the human body and press it. Examples:

To put the Bianstone block on the human body. With its own weight, the Bianstone block itself can give enough pressure on the human body.

When the Bianstone tools of this kind are not heavy enough, the Bianstone therapist needs to push the Bianstone by hand to achieve the effect.

To apply the narrow side of the Bianstone block or the Bianstone anvil, or the side edge of Bianstone bar to press along the main and collateral channels.

The End face of the Cone Bianstone or the Bianstone bar can be used to press the acupoints. The Bianstone ball can also be used to press the acupoints.

To put the Bianstone ball on a table or carpet, and press the Bianstone ball with hand or foot. It is necessary to sit steadily on the chair when stepping on the Bianstone to guard against falling.

To pillow on the Bianstone block or lie on the Bianstone.

Bianstone roll
(3) The Roll Method (滚法)

The Roll method uses the circular Bianstone tools to roll on the human body. As the rolling friction is smaller than that of sliding friction, stimulation of Bianstone tools to human body is weak. Therefore, the roll method is particularly suitable for the weak or the body parts that are unfit for strong stimulation, such as head, face, etc. Following are some examples of rolling method.

To lay down the Bianstone bar or the Cone Bianstone on the affected areas, and then a Bianstone Therapist rubs a Bianstone bar or a cone Bianstone, rolling on the affected areas.

To hold the handle of the Bianstone roller, and roll on the affected region.

The Bianstone ball can be used to roll along the main and collateral channels.

To sit on the chair and step on a Bianstone ball or a Bianstone bar, rubbing the Bianstone ball or Bianstone bar with feet for foot care.

To roll the Bianstone ball in the palm is also a very common way for health care in the roll method.
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