YTO X804 Tractor

YTO Fram Tractors

YTO X804 Tractor

YTO Tractor X804
YTO X804 Tractor adopt diesel engine, which is manufactured using advanced British technology, delivers large torque, high fuel efficiency and low emission. The transmission system is made on the basis of Italian technology. The top speed can be more than 35km/h.

The full hydraulic steering system is utilized for easy operation.
Our wheel tractor adopts double action clutch. German LUK clutch is available for your choice.

YTO X804 Tractor with Cabin

YTO Tractor X804 with Turbo Engine and Paddy Tyre
Model YTO-X804 Tractor with Turbo Engine and Paddy Tyre
Type 4×4
Overall dimensions (LxWxH)(mm) 4350×2170×2740
Min. ground clearance(mm) 430
Min. operating mass(with safety stand)(Kg) 3675
Tyre spec., front /rear 11.2-28/16.9-34
Wheel tread, front/rear 1630~1960/1500~2100
Steering Full hydraulic
Brake Oil immersed, disk type

Diesel engine
Model LR4B5-23
Type Four cylinder, vertical, water cooled, four stroke, direct injection combustion
Displacement (L) 4.95
Rated power/speed(Kw)/(r/min) 58.8/2300
Max. torque (N.m)/speed (r/min) 270/1500-1700
Bore x stroke (mm) 108x125
Gear shift, forward/backward 12/4
Speed range (Km/h), forward/backward 1.63

PTO power (Kw) 50
PTO rotation speed (r/min) 540/720 or 540/1000
Clutch 11-inch, dry, double action

Three-point linkage category Three-point linkage category
Tilling depth control mode Combined draft, position control and floating control
Lifting force(KN) 16
YTO X804 Tractor Internal Cabin
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